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Superalloy Turbine Disk

Superalloy turbine disks are mainly used in aero-engines, gas turbines, large-scale superchargers and other equipment. They are rotating parts of aero-engines, gas turbines, and large superchargers at the hot end, which are subject to high temperature, high pressure, and strong corrosion.

  • Material: K418,K418B,K424,K417G,K438
  • Production Weight: 100g~20kg
  • Production Dimension: 65mm~50mm
Superalloy Turbine Disk
Material Production Weight Production Dimension
K418,K418B,K424,K417G,K438 100g~20kg 65mm~50mm
  Superalloy turbine disks are mainly used in aero-engines, gas turbines, large-scale superchargers and other equipment. They are rotating parts of aero-engines, gas turbines, and large superchargers at the hot end, which are subject to high temperature, high pressure, and strong corrosion.

Superalloy Turbine Disk.1.1

Superalloy Turbine Disk.3

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  • Mon-Fri: 09:00AM - 06:00PM
  • Guanggu Avenue 52#, Hongshan, Wuhan, Hubei province, P.R.China. 430074
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